Wildlife Ranch

The zebra.
Let me set this up as accurately as I can: Jesse is seated in the driver's seat, and I am sitting in the front passanger seat with Ethan in my lap. We are parked. Jesse has the bag of feed ( it was given at the entrance of the park) in his lap, and we're enjoying the experience of various species of land animals sniffing our car, Ethan's bright eyes.... you catch my drift. Anyway... Jesse opens the window to throw feed to a zebra to coax it towards us (you know, we're trying to get some good shots for posterity) when the zebra, completely ignoring the feed that was tossed to the ground, thrusts his head into the car, grabs the ENTIRE bag of feed from Jesse's lab causing Ethan to scream the biggest scream -- reaching an ear piercing note one might expect from the star of a B horror flick (don't worry, this didn't lead to a crying spell -- I don't think he is forever scarred). Startled, the zebra jumps backwards out of the car and continues to prance off into the distance (with the feed in mouth) as the sourrounding zebra chase after him. He scored the goods!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Here are some pictures of the event (unfortunately, we were too stunned to get too much of it) along with some other classics from the park.
We hope all are well.
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