Beautiful girl & ZEBRA BOY!

Anya is growing by leaps and bounds! At 4 weeks, the girl is ALREADY 10 lbs! AND SHE SMILES! A LOT!
We love it! I forgot how little and how fun little ones can be! :)
On a less pleasant note, she has developed a bit of reflux which means less sleep for ma and pa, but we seem to have it in control now that we know what to do with it. Our bodies are definitely accomodating to the lack of sleep. Don't ask me anything that requires brain function, however.

Note: Ethan got BUZZED by his daddy! He had been BEGGING us for a buz for a few weeks now.
Anyway... Other than being an AWESOME big brother (I'm SOOO impressed by how much he helps his mommy out), Ethan is our CONSTANT entertainment! The stories that come from his head are endless!
Last week, after relaying the story of the zebra incident a couple years back (refer to the archives Wildlife Ranch in May 2006), he informed us that he jumped on the zebra's back and rode the zebra off. When Jesse and I giggled and responded with "oh.. really?" Ethan replied, "Yes, I a cowboy. NO! I a ZEBRA BOY!!"
Jesse and Ethan were walking around the store when they came to some Cheeto's samples. When Jesse handed Ethan a cheeto, he responded, "I love it. I put it in the oven. I cook it. I eat it!"
When Anya cries, the first thing that pops out of Ethan's mouth is "MAMA! Anya needs boobie milk!"
Ethan made up a song that he sings daily:
He also now LOVES the sea! He saw FINDING NEMO (well, he's seen it about 5 times), and now he's obsessed with the sea and everything in the sea and the possibility that when he turns 10 years old he can learn to scuba dive. He informs us that when he becomes a diver that he won't take any fish out of the sea.
The Ethan stories are endless, and I will try to remember to put them up here because they need to be shared.

My body has decided to go on strike over the past week! From weird, undiagnosable symptoms to fevers and swollen lymph nodes to nasty, allergic reaction to antibiotics, I've been a bit under the weather. I'm thinking that it is all over now, and we can start our week anew tomorrow! :) Its the start of our new fall schedule anyway with library storytime and an art class sprinkled with playdates and park days! We plan on having lots 'o fun as always!
Frito Lay needs to pay Ethan for that Cheetoes jingle!
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