Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Soccer, Spring, Spider and Mr. Sun!

Wow! We're in the 80's in May. I hear that this is rather uncharacteristic up here, and since we don't have A/C, I certainly hope so...

Ethan has started soccer! He has a great coach, and seems to like it. He's not the best on the team, but he certainly isn't "picking his nose" as I had actually expected from a 4 year old on a soccer team. He really wants to do it again in the fall! Yay!

The school year (first year of preschool!!!) is coming to an end, and our backyard is currently under construction. Very soon, we hope to have a fun backyard with patio, grass and a swing set! Whoo hoo. Fun in the sun!

Ethan adopted Jerm's pet tarantula and named her "Cricket." She has become quite the attraction in our household.

Anya has started to potty train herself!!! ???? She has requested to "poop in the potty" several times now, and she has. I'm not really ready to go full force, but hopefully, this bodes well when the time comes.

Anya: "I need to poop in the potty. I need to see cookie in the potty."

Anya:"I see cookie in there."

Yes, for some strange reason, Anya has gotten in the habit of calling her poop a "cookie." I guess that it is not a problem as long as she doesn't eat it...


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