"I live in Texas!" and the Music Festival

Today, we had a great time at the Austin Family Music Festival at Pioneer Farms, home of THE BISCUIT BROTHERS!

Life is getting on track here! We are definitely getting our routines down; however, Ethan has begun to give up his naps. NOOOOO! Well, he MUST take quiet time in his room. Anya has also decided that sleeping is a lot less fun than it used to be, so the juggle has definitely begun. THANK GOODNESS FOR HER CARSEAT, SLING AND BJORN!
Here are a few Ethan stories:
*Jesse was pouring half and half into his coffee.
Ethan asked, "Is that milk?"
Jesse said, "No, its half and half. Half cream, half millk."
Ethan replied, "Oh.. like a mermaid."
*I was driving home the other day when Ethan informed me that he lives in Texas, and I assured him that he was correct. As soon as we drove up into the driveway, he claimed, "We're home. We are in Texas."
Later, we got into a conversation about animals that live in Africa, and we continued to discuss that Africa is a continent. I informed him that we live on the continent of North America at which point Ethan corrected, "No, I live in Texas."
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