Sunday, April 30, 2006
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Monday, April 24, 2006

Well, if you couldn't gather from the name of the blog as well as title of this post, its very very hot here in good ole San Antonio!!!!!! It reached 102 degrees last week, and might I remind you that it is APRIL!!!!!!!!!! This means one thing: it'll be REALLY freakin' hot here in JULY!!! Thank heavens for central air conditioning!
Welcome! I decided to create this for friends and family who might be interested in checking up on us down here (and if not, I won't be flooding your inbox with unwanted mail), not to mention that I will always have an Ethan photo or two to share.
Anyway... its pretty neato down here. Everyone who had been down here had given us nothing but great feedback about their time in SA, and I have to say, we're liking it so far. Everyone we have met have been SO NICE! Our neighbors have reached out to us offering all sorts of SA wisdom in dealing with the summer, and we've met so many New Yorkers its unfathomable. Downtown SA is beautiful. It has a very European flavor. We took a short stroll along the much talked about river walk. Its very pretty and... SHADED!!!!!!!
Ethan is great... He's a lot of fun and growing like a weed. So far he is turing over, giggling up a storm, playing peek-a-boo in various ways, demanding every bit of my attention and really ready to move (heaven help me when that time comes).
well.. the boss beckons me to play!!!!!!!!!
take care!