Tuesday, April 06, 2010

No matter how long the winter, spring is sure to follow.

The Spring is being very good to us this year! We are frequenting various parks and enjoying being outside! There are SOOO many outdoor adventures in our wee town. People tell me not to get too used to this because a "Spring snow" is not unheard of. I WON'T believe it!

We had a GREAT Easter weekend , complete with egg hunts, egg dying, great weather and the Rosenfelds!!!!!

The world according to Ethan"

E - "I'll have to wear something nice."
Me - "it's a bowling party, E. Did Porter tell you to wear something nice?"
E - "No, I just like to be handsome."

Ethan's milestones:
*Working on pre-reading skills by learning his sight words and "sounding words out."
*He can write "Ethan" quite well now.

Anya's milestones:
*She is speaking in full sentences with impressive words. The other day, she made a friend's mouth drop when she described something as "ridiculous." Obsessed with possession of EVERYTHING!
*She can count from 1-10 fairly consistently.
*She can sing the ABC's.
*She is starting to identify her colors but not consistently.