Sunday, September 24, 2006

Baby Birdie!


Uncle Jeremy will be so proud!

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Bath time fun! Splash splash!

We have reached so many milestones this week. Ethan has gone from pulling up on some things occasionally to only wanting to stand while playing. He pulls up on everything all the time. We have noticed that he responds to his name. We even tried using the same tone of voice while calling other names, but no, Ethan is the name... He is also graduating from pureed, baby foods to table foods. This is a slow process, as he wants to stuff everyhting in his mouth which leads to a choking fest. ...and more..... He's becoming more and more of a little person every day. We are having so much fun!

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Playing the days away...

Monday, September 04, 2006

Curiosity maimed the baby.

Actually, no Ethans were hurt in the course of this photo session. He is very careful petting Sylvia kitty; however Sylvia isn't sure she likes this new development.

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Labor Day Weekend.

Fun Daddy!
Sickies! :(
We have all managed to get sick! Unfortunately, Ethan got his first ear infection. :( We're all on the upswing now, and we have the long weekend.

How is everyone? I miss you all!