Messy messy: Ethan's favorite passtime while mom attempts to cook (attempt being the operative word) is to pull everything out of any cabinet within reach. He cooks right a long with me. He always must have a pan and spatula too! BUT... for some reason, all cabinets within reach must be emptied and on the floor before any organized imagining can take place!
Proud Mamma! Ethan and I attended a weekly storytime. After the story was over, (UNPROVOKED BY ME) Ethan pointed to the storyteller and yelled, "TAY TOU!" The gentleman responded with a look of pleasant shock and a smile, "oh, you are very welcome!"
Austin: OH WOW!!!! We LOVE this place!! This such a perfect town to be a stay-at-home mom! I guess that is actually not the correct term. Frankly, there is just too freakin' much to do to "stay-at-home" in Austin! We are keeping our schedule FULL! with all sorts of fun activities!!!!!
Weekly find: As everyone knows, live music is EVERYWHERE here, so if you go out to grab a bite to eat or enjoy a drink or a coffee, you'll typically run into some sort of live something. Well, this weekend, we discovered Brentwood Tavern. Its a local joint iwith an outdoor stage, misters to keep you cool and a PLAYSCAPE for the kiddies! That was our first "find." We had such a great evening. Ethan had so much fun! I have since learned that there are many of these around town, and there happens to also be a local cafe with outdoor seating, live music as well as a VERY NICE shaded playground. Adult time with your kids! I don't know why more places don't do this!!!! ??? !!! I really don't want to live anywhere else!