Well, we spent much of last night in the emergency room for the first time!!!! I guess that we're doing well since he's 2! Ethan managed to get a "toddler fracture" from sliding down a small slide at Gymboree. I'm still trying to replay the whole thing in my mind. It was such a simple fall that I couldn't imagine that it could be anything serious, but he couldn't walk on it... so we headed to the doctor. Of course, as he flirted with all of the female nurses, people couldn't imagine that there could be anything wrong with him. He doesn't seem to be in any pain AT ALL, but he won't be able to walk for the next few days AT LEAST. Its cute to watch him make accomodations to his situation by scooching around on the floor. He's such an easy going little guy that he's just taking it all in stride and doing what he has to do to get "better."
I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
I've been remiss at posting, and I lost all of our pictures on our camera since the last post. :(
*Ethan counts to 5 and sometimes 6! He counts objects too!!!!
*He has his colors DOWN!!!!
*He's talking a bit more by putting more words together.