Super-Captain-Construction Worker
TWO TWO TWO!!! Ethan has SOOOOO hit his two's!!!!!! Our mild mannered child has received quite a dose of energy over the past few weeks, and WOW, mama is having to work hard to keep up!!!!

He is also SOOOO excited about his "sitta" Anya. He likes to inform people that babies only drink milk, but he's a big boy. SO.. he can eat things like ice cream. Big boys can play on playgrounds and have fun, but babies can't even walk. He recently learned that Anya is NUDIE in mama's belly, and apparently, that is the FUNNIEST concept to understand (I'm not sure what he thought she was wearing.). He also informs me that he will hold Anya and sing to her when she comes home.
*He knows the ABC song!!!!!! He likes to strum the guitar and sing his ABC's! QUITE CUTE!
*He informs me in the car that "green light" means "GO!," "Red Light" means "STOP" and "Yellow Light" means "slow down." I often get a "go, mama, GO!!!" if I'm not fast on the response at a light. There's nothing like a two year old to keep you on track.
Cuteness: We asked Ethan if he liked going to Sea World for his daddy's birthday. He repsonded, "E-ah LOVED it!!!" When he gets something he has been wanting, he has been known to respond, "E-ah HAPPY!!!"
He is also SOOOO excited about his "sitta" Anya. He likes to inform people that babies only drink milk, but he's a big boy. SO.. he can eat things like ice cream. Big boys can play on playgrounds and have fun, but babies can't even walk. He recently learned that Anya is NUDIE in mama's belly, and apparently, that is the FUNNIEST concept to understand (I'm not sure what he thought she was wearing.). He also informs me that he will hold Anya and sing to her when she comes home.
*He knows the ABC song!!!!!! He likes to strum the guitar and sing his ABC's! QUITE CUTE!
*He informs me in the car that "green light" means "GO!," "Red Light" means "STOP" and "Yellow Light" means "slow down." I often get a "go, mama, GO!!!" if I'm not fast on the response at a light. There's nothing like a two year old to keep you on track.
Cuteness: We asked Ethan if he liked going to Sea World for his daddy's birthday. He repsonded, "E-ah LOVED it!!!" When he gets something he has been wanting, he has been known to respond, "E-ah HAPPY!!!"