uber why WHY?
OH MY GOSH!!! They "why's" have gotten OUT OF CONTROL! "Why" is no longer a question, it is a response.... to EVERYTHING.

*Ethan is fully into "Robin Hood" after seeing the animated, Disney version. He refers to Jesse as Little John. Honestly, he doesn't say "daddy" anymore. Soo.. it seems that his pirate obsession has been put on hold for a while. This child's imagination is WILD!
*Ethan has exhibited a large interest in writing, so we have begun working on writing letters. His fave - E!!!!
*Ethan is STILL proving to be a great big brother!
*Anya is smiling and giggling a lot. She is a pretty joyful baby, all in all.
*She pushes up on her hands, babbles A LOT, and she can sit propped by her hands for a few seconds before slowly collapsing.
*Anya LOVES her brother. He is THE COOLEST in her eyes!
...more later...

*Ethan is fully into "Robin Hood" after seeing the animated, Disney version. He refers to Jesse as Little John. Honestly, he doesn't say "daddy" anymore. Soo.. it seems that his pirate obsession has been put on hold for a while. This child's imagination is WILD!
*Ethan has exhibited a large interest in writing, so we have begun working on writing letters. His fave - E!!!!
*Ethan is STILL proving to be a great big brother!
*Anya is smiling and giggling a lot. She is a pretty joyful baby, all in all.
*She pushes up on her hands, babbles A LOT, and she can sit propped by her hands for a few seconds before slowly collapsing.
*Anya LOVES her brother. He is THE COOLEST in her eyes!
...more later...
glad to be reminded about your blog again so i can keep up with you when we don't see you. the why's are king around here too, although sometimes he says "when" when he means "why".
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