We are fa-mi-ly!
Ethan and Elle

Bodgie and Anya @ Bodgie's 80th Birthday Celebration!

Silly Boy!

My girl!

Ethan milestones:
*He is taking gymnastics and loves it! This is the first real "drop off" since daycare in Mobile. The first couple of weeks were shakey in the beginning, but he seems to be a-ok with leaving mama now!
*He gets more articulate every day. He's beginning to really grasp the fantasy/reality thing which was rather shakey there for some time.
*He really is getting all sorts of connections and concepts. It amazes me how smart kids are at this age!
Anya milestones:
We just took Anya for her 6 month wellness check up. 90% for weight! 95% for head! 50% for height! In other words, Anya is a top heavy chunky monkey!!!!! AND REALLY CUTE! :)
*She just started eating solids.
*She sits for a bit without toppling over.
*She rolls each direction.
*She's also smiling and giggling... and babbling... and making all sorts of fun baby Anya noises.
Bodgie's 80th Birthday celebration!!!!! The WHOLE family together for the first time in 6 years!!!!

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