We just spent 2 1/2 weeks in Memphis with friends and family, and we did manage to get so many great pictures... but our slow computer compounded with dial up internet along with our crazy schedule over the next couple of months, I don't know that I will have the time to post them up here. In fact, this post was created on 3 separate sittings.
For those concerned about Anya's hips, she does NOT have dysplasia; however, she is still not walking or scooting or anything...
She's eating up a storm, so I assume her weight is fine. We'll find out on her follow up appointment next week.
Anya milestones:
*She says the word "tat!" in reference to cats and most anything furry. We did get her to say "dah" in reference to dog.
*she copies gestures, esp the "Bodgie face."
*When prompted she will point to the eyes, nose and mouth of here "baby."
Ethan is attending a summer camp 5 days a week from 3-5pm that includes gymnastics, swimming lessons and art. He loves it. AND I get a little mama time with Anya. I do, however, struggle to get him to tell me ANYTHING about it though. It's weird not knowing everything that he's doing.
We are back to whining. I'm hoping we nip this one quickly because it drives me CRAZY!
Ethan also has an alter ego of a bad guy. In fact, this bad guy (often Spiderman's nemesis Venom) happens to rear his head when Ethan does not want to share or be nice. ...pretty much anything that earns him a "time out."
He and I have begun reading the Magic Treehouse chapter books during Anya's naptime. This is our first fore into the chapter books! His comprehension seems to be really good! He and I are enjoyig them throroughly! I recommend! I'll even try to include a link to the official" magic treehouse" website.

For those concerned about Anya's hips, she does NOT have dysplasia; however, she is still not walking or scooting or anything...
She's eating up a storm, so I assume her weight is fine. We'll find out on her follow up appointment next week.
Anya milestones:
*She says the word "tat!" in reference to cats and most anything furry. We did get her to say "dah" in reference to dog.
*she copies gestures, esp the "Bodgie face."
*When prompted she will point to the eyes, nose and mouth of here "baby."

Ethan is attending a summer camp 5 days a week from 3-5pm that includes gymnastics, swimming lessons and art. He loves it. AND I get a little mama time with Anya. I do, however, struggle to get him to tell me ANYTHING about it though. It's weird not knowing everything that he's doing.
We are back to whining. I'm hoping we nip this one quickly because it drives me CRAZY!
Ethan also has an alter ego of a bad guy. In fact, this bad guy (often Spiderman's nemesis Venom) happens to rear his head when Ethan does not want to share or be nice. ...pretty much anything that earns him a "time out."
He and I have begun reading the Magic Treehouse chapter books during Anya's naptime. This is our first fore into the chapter books! His comprehension seems to be really good! He and I are enjoyig them throroughly! I recommend! I'll even try to include a link to the official" magic treehouse" website.
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