Yep! You read that right. We are due to close on a 109 year old house in Ohio this month! Crazy? PROBABLY! BUT we are OH SO excited!
It comes complete with a 109 year old monster of a boiler which we have temporarily named Bessie. I'm not in love with the name, but we have time to come up with another.

Anya milestones:
*As of her last appointment, Anya seems to be gaining weight just fine! She eats table food which has actually made things MUCH easier.
*She now has THREE teeth with others very dramatically making their way through.
*Li'll Anya Banya is expanding her Anyanese vocabulary with "Ah Di" for All done! "Gash" for glasses. 'hish" for fish. among others...
*She is still not crawling, but she is scooting around on her bottom very well. She is also cruising along the furniture. The cats are becoming very aware of her mobility, and they are rather cautious. AND SHE LOVES THOSE KITTIES. "TAT!"
*pincer grasp! check!
Ethan milestones:
*Ethan, our resident super hero, is keeping us safe from all sorts of "bad guys." ..that is, until the super hero gets scared and needs his mommy and daddy.
*He's LOVING camp. It's neat to hear about his day at camp and his friends there... Apparently, his friend Olivia had a dream about having a "date" with him, but her mommy and daddy said she couldn't date until she was older. This is directly from Ethan's mouth! YIKES!
*We went to Ikea last weekend to browse, and Ethan let us drop him in the "Small land" area for the full 60 minutes. He would have stayed longer if they didn't have a limit!!!! Actually, he wanted to go back!
Now, we are all getting excited about our move! We are also mixed with the "sad to leave Austin and our buddies here" emotion.