1st Birthday, 1st day of school, new house, new town: We're ready to go!
Well, we are back and ready for business. We have moved, and now we have *real* internet, so I can actually include decent pictures. WHOO HOO!!!!! I just uploaded 350+ photos from our new (as of last Christmas) camera that I need to email to people and share.... Maybe I will start an online photo library for those interested... Don't hold me to that though.
After a long trip up from Texas to Ohio, we are slowly settling in to our new home, and the kids are doing GREAT!
We love the town. It's very quaint and very pretty. We can walk to the HUGE and sparkling new library which houses an EXCELLENT children's area. We can walk to "downtown." As Ethan will say, "We walked to town." We can walk to hike and bike trails as well as parks. The grocery stores have childcare rooms for the 3+ crowd. I didn't know what to think about that until Ethan begged me to drop him off one day. HE LOVES IT. Even when I have to run in for one item, he wants to play for the few minutes I'm there. OK...
First day of preschool!
Ethan has started preschool at the neighborhood Elementary school LITERALLY two blocks from our house, and a school bus picks him up and drops him off right in front of our house every day (M-Th). He loves it. He seems to love preschool too. After his first day, he informed me that he had a "GREAT first day of school."
Anya! Our now ONE YEAR OLD! Happy Birthday, ANYA! August 11th! Our little babbler has turned into quite the chatter box. Her list of vocabulary words has EXPLODED!!! Tat (cat), Bebe (*baby), Appoo (apple), Daddy, Mama, E (ethan), Cheese, Bachy (broccoli), Hah-pee (happy), Teet (teeth), bush (brush), pitty (pretty), boh (bow), tuts (touch), Lah Lah (Layla - our cat), Hi, bah bah (bye bye), Ah di (all done), Nah nah (night night), Aya (Anya)... and the list continues to grow!
She's a crawling and cruisin' machine!
AND.. she will stop at ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to make her brother giggle at the dinner table! She has an act! Teachers beware! T-R-O-U-B-L-E!