Life in Snow-Hio!
So far... we are dealing. It's not so bad up here in Snow-Hio! It snows fairly consistently that we aren't really left with too much gray-black sludge. We are learning that there are days when it gets TOO cold, but those seem to be few and far between. ...warm clothes and a little bundle up does the trick. I do wish there were a little more indoor, physical activities for the kids, however. Slim pickings, but I'm looking into getting Ethan into various activities.

Ethan NEEDS more physical activity, so that is what I am currently investigating. Karate? Swimming? Gymnastics? Ice Skating (they start 'em YOUNG)? Whatever it is, we will start after our trip to Memphis in February. We are DEFINITELY starting soccer in the Spring!
Anya is great! Somehow, she has picked up counting to 10!!!! ????? Not 100% consistent, but MOST of the time. She has her please and thank you's down! She is such a little sponge.
They are both doing such a good job playing together and with others. I love to listen to their conversations.
One day while making dinner, I overheard this exchange about Ethan's stuffed, green monkey "Stuffy":
Anya: "Tuppyy! Here, Et-an!"
Ethan: "That's ok, Anya. You can play with him."
Anya: "Tank-oo, Ethan!"
Daddy and Ethan shovel!
"Cousin Matt" playing with Anya
Happiness! :)
Memphis visit:
February 15 -20
Ethan NEEDS more physical activity, so that is what I am currently investigating. Karate? Swimming? Gymnastics? Ice Skating (they start 'em YOUNG)? Whatever it is, we will start after our trip to Memphis in February. We are DEFINITELY starting soccer in the Spring!
Anya is great! Somehow, she has picked up counting to 10!!!! ????? Not 100% consistent, but MOST of the time. She has her please and thank you's down! She is such a little sponge.
They are both doing such a good job playing together and with others. I love to listen to their conversations.
One day while making dinner, I overheard this exchange about Ethan's stuffed, green monkey "Stuffy":
Anya: "Tuppyy! Here, Et-an!"
Ethan: "That's ok, Anya. You can play with him."
Anya: "Tank-oo, Ethan!"
Daddy and Ethan shovel!
"Cousin Matt" playing with Anya
Happiness! :)
Memphis visit:
February 15 -20