Cool and crisp
G'daddy and Ethan planted sunflower seeds last year, and G'daddy brought us some seeds from that sunflower for this one.
We are now a good month into Ethan's second and final year of preschool. Next year, he starts Kindergarten, and Anya will begin preschool. YIKES!
Ethan is finishing his second season of soccer, and he's getting better with the ball. He really likes it and plans on continuing it in the Spring. He has consistently requested for over a year to do Karate, so I have found a place that we will be trying over the next couple of weeks.
*Ethan is writing writing writing. One of his favorite things to do is write letters. As soon as he comes home from school, he is ready to write.
*His reading skills are slowly getting better. He sounds words out, and his sight word list is getting longer and longer.
She loves story time with Ms. Sarah (her biggest non-family hero!). She is proving to be very very silly and lots of fun! She is the queen of quotable one-liners.
*her favorite color is pink!
*She can sing her alphabet and identify most letters.
*She knows her shapes and colors.
*She can spell her name A-N-Y-A! ANYA!