Chores with Daddy!

There is nothing quite as special as morning chores with daddy!!! :)
Well, Ethan is LOVING the holidays!! Missmiss is EVERYWHERE, and he loves it.
*The talking is going CRAZY! He's putting all kinds of words together, and he repeated his first full sentence last week. He was demanding that his daddy change the batteries in a toy. Jesse looked at Ethan and said, "You have not once said, 'Daddy, change the batteries, PLEASE.'." Ethan then repsonded by repeating, "Daddy, change bah-ees, PEEEZ!"
*He is now counting to 3! TWO is still his favorite number though!
*Ethan understands the concept that when we leave, we always come BACK. In fact, if he runs an errand with his daddy or goes to his room for a minute, he comes to me after stating "BACK" followed by a big hug!