He has a BIIIIIIG Belly!

Anya milestones:
*She's smiling, cooing and gilggling.
*She's SOOO alert now!
*We're falling into the nap pattern of two naps during the morning and one during Ethan's "nap" in the afternoon.
*As we are really getting into a routine, her fussy periods have diminished to her merely informing us of an issue. (dirty diaper, hungry, tired, gas)
*Her reflux seems to have subsided, and she's doing really well at night. We're down to 2-3 feedings per night. Not terrible. I'm starting to feel human again.
*Anya is no longer a bobble head. She holds her head up really well. She's loving the Bjorn.

Ethan milestones:
*He's giving up his naps, but he is required to lie in bed for the duration of his naptime. ...mind you, he has a bed full of books and stuffed animals.
*He's graduating to the BIG potty. In fact, we're going to discard the small potty this week. (its quite gross.)
*He's doing so well with his little sister, and he's quite the big brother helper to his mommy.
*He LOVES puzzles. He's working 16 - 25 count jigsaw puzzles now on his own. It amazes me how fast he whips them out! He calls it his "work."
*He is SOOO social. EVERYONE is his friend. He's still working on the sharing thing, but... he loves friends.
*We're finding our speech patterns show up in Ethan's!!! Its quite interesting. He'll say things, and we wonder where he could have gotten it, and then we catch ourselves saying it. For instance, he'll preface a statement with "Actually...." When he includes an idea in our conversation, he'll end the sentence with "maybe." (ex. "You can use a ladder, maybe.")

The world according to Ethan:
*After nap, Jesse placed his head on Ethan's belly.
Jesse: Will you be my pillow?
Ethan: I not a pillow. I a kid. I have BONES.
*Ethan: I have a joke. Water... and... ice.... HAHAHAHA!
*This weekend Ethan and Jesse were preparing hot dogs for dinner.
Ethan: I want them all for myself!
Jesse: If you eat all of those hot dogs, your belly will be as big as Mama's belly was when she had Anya in her belly.
--Later, during dinner Ethan ate 1 1/2 hot dogs...
Jesse: Are you going to finish that hot dog?
Ethan: No, I don't want a baby in my belly.
*Jesse loves to talk about Ethan's BIIIG belly. Jesse pretends that it is SOO big that he can bounce things off it. ...just a little of their silly repertoire.
Anyway, Ethan and I were out today when a large man came up to us to oogle over Anya and say hi to Ethan.
As soon has the man walked away, Ethan remarked, "He has a BIIIIIG belly." OOOPS!!! We need to be careful!!!
You never realize how much they take in. I was listening to political commentary on the radio in the car when Ethan exclaimed, "Mama, they're talking about Barack Obama!" (as if they are best friends!)